Projects: Design

Construction Quality Knowhow (CQK)

Projects - Design

Design Freeze - A Quality Perspective
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This article explains why ‘freezing the design at a specified point is important, examines the principles of ‘gateways’ and describes the concept of design ‘chill’ as opposed to ‘freeze’.

Design - A Quality Perspective
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This article introduces three key areas of design development – concept, preliminary and detailed — and outlines techniques which can be used ensure adequate quality of the design.

Checking/Approval in Design - A Quality Management Perspective

This article discusses the important of checking and approval in design, explains the steps involved and explains mechanims which can be used.

Temporary Works Design - A Quality Management Perspective

This article explores what temporary works is, explains the factors involved in management of temporary works, reviews management of risk, and describes how to design temporary works items.

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