About us

What is ConSIG?

We are a group of individuals within the Chartered Quality Institute (CQI) who work within the construction and built environment sector. We have set up the Construction Special Interest Group – ConSIG – as a representative group for quality professionals to advance quality and improvement in the construction industry.

A Steering Committee has been established to lead the ConSIG and includes representation from main contractors, sub-contractors, designers and client organisations. Our working groups and events are open to all. Membership of the Steering Committee is reviewed annually at our AGM and any CQI member can propose someone or volunteer for a post on the Committee.

With many other institutions and organisations getting involved in quality initiatives, we specifically developed our Terms of Reference around construction quality professionals.

Carrying out exercises that add value for quality professionals in construction is our primary driver.

When setting up this group, it was agreed that we didn’t just want to be a talking shop so the principal of establishing a number of working groups to undertake specific exercises with clearly defined deliverables was born.

To promote quality we have undertaken to run events to engage with the construction community and the wider CQI community to publicise the work we are undertaking and to create events for sharing knowledge on topical subjects that are pertinent to our members.

We recognise that quality, while business critical, has not generally received the support and resourcing enjoyed by our health & safety brethren and our aspiration is to raise quality to the same standing as health & safety.

To achieve this, developing mutually beneficial relationships with key stakeholders is the approach we are adopting. Providing specialist support and guidance from the construction quality professional’s perspective is where we can have greatest impact and influence on advancing quality and improvement in the construction sector. 

We believe that the greatest benefit will be realised when we work together with other organisation across the industry.  Therefore, we aim to establish effective collaborative relationships with construction industry groups, and, where appropriate, those external to our industry.

ConSIG aims to:

  • Provide information and tools which can be used on a daily basis to help both achieve quality and improve the way you work (see Construction Quality Knowhow)
  • Arrange free CPD events
  • Provide experts speakers
  • Collaborate with other organisations and assisting with improvement initiatives
  • Share best practice
  • Provide expert advice

Our website

This website is produced by members of the ConSIG as a platform for the construction industry to share knowledge. The content is vetted by construction quality specialists prior to publication and is freely available. By using our website, we hope you will be able to:

  • Share information on quality topics
  • Obtain a quality perspective on construction issues
  • Share best practice
  • Find specialists who will speak on a quality topics (often free)
  • Get links to other organisations
  • Networking


New members are always welcome.  You do not have to be a quality expert to join – just someone who recognises the importance of quality in the construction industry and can actively contribute to our cause.  This may include attending meetings, writing / reviewing articles, or even leading a working group. To find out more, please contact us using the following email address: chairconsig@quality.org 

You will only be contacted about ConSIG activity and your data will not be shared with third parties.  

We usually meet at the Chartered Quality Institute (10 Furnival Street, London).  The steering committee meets formally every eight weeks, although interim meetings are also held. Working groups determine when to meet according to needs.  Further information about the working groups can be found here.

If you are not currently in a position to actively participate but would like to be kept informed of the activities of the group, please sign up here to join our mailing list by the joining the ConSIG here (https://www.quality.org/content/sig-registration-form

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