Raising the Bar

Construction Industry Knowledge Gap
Designing Building Wiki's report outlining the knowledge gap in the Construction Industry

Improving Quality in the Built Environment
Chartered Institute of Building Construction Quality Commission report on quality and strategies to be adopted to improve

Stopping Building Failures
Housing Forum's recommendations for collaboration to improve productivity and quality (launched 25/5/18)

From Transactions to Enterprises
(Project 13)
The Infrastructure Client Report on a new approach to delivering high performance infrastructure (Published March 2017)

Innovation in Construction: Embracing the Revolution
Legal and industry perspectives as off-site manufacture gains traction

Farmer Review
Recommendations to resolve the Construction Industry's labour challenge

Rethinking Construction
Construction Task Force 1998 report calling for improvement through focus on value and prevention of waste and poor quality

Construction 2025
The Governance and Industry strategy for significant improvement in the Construction Industry by 2025
Building a Safer Future: Independent Review of the Buildings Regulations & Fire Safety

On 28 July 2017, following the Grenfell Tower fire, Communities Secretary Sajid Javid announced an independent review of the building regulations and fire safety. The review was led by Dame Judith Hackitt, and focussed specifically on issues related to high-rise residential buildings, including:
The regulatory system around design, construction and on-going management.
Compliance and enforcement issues.
International regulation and experience in this area.
On 18 December 2017, an Interim Report, was published, which called for a ‘universal shift in culture’.
On 16 May 2018, Building a Safer Future, Independent Review of Building Regulations and Fire Safety: Final Report, was published, setting out more than 50 recommendations for government as to how to deliver a more robust regulatory system.
Get It Right Initiative

The Get It Right Initiative reports include initial research and subsequent investigative reports undertaken or commissioned by GIRI working groups.
Initial GIRI research is presented in four parts: ‘Call to Action’ and ‘Strategy for Change’ are summaries of the full research that set out key points, areas of focus, and outline the Initiative’s plans. The ‘Research Report’ sets out in detail what was discovered and achieved, whilst the ‘Literature Report’ is a summary of parallel research into error that has been carried out both in the UK and worldwide.
Reports have been published by working groups examining how technology can help reduce errors and providing guidance for eliminating errors within the design stage.
Further information can be found on the Get It Right Initiative website.