Construction Quality Know-how: becoming an author

Becoming an author for Construction Quality Knowhow provides you with the opportunity to share your knowledge and experience.  Many people are apprehensive about putting pen to paper not giving themselves credit for how much they really know.  We have found, though, that once you start writing, it can become an enjoyable and rewarding experience and you may surprise yourself with the level of knowledge you do have!

Follow the links to the guidelines that are sent to new authors, and the style guide for articles to be published.

Prior to publication, all of our articles are peer-reviewed.   This will firstly be undertaken by a reviewer nominated by the ConSIG competency working group (CWG) which has the appropriate knowledge and experience to verify the content.  The article is then issued in draft format to the remainder of the CWG for final comments.  Articles are then discussed at a CWG meeting with a final review from the Steering Committee before publication.

The CWG maintains a list of planned articles although new suggestions are always welcome.  If you would like more information on how to become an author, please send an email to

We look forward to hearing from you!

Mike Buss

ConSIG Competency Working Group Chair

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